


Like Italy, the French are drinking massive amount of coffee everyday. Basically you should only drink cappuccino or coffee with milk (café au lait/ café crème) before noon, because they believe the milk is going to ruin your stomach in the afternoon so you have to switch to black coffee. So if you don’t specify the kind of coffee when you order, they assume you are asking for espresso. (un café = an espresso)


A truly Parisian way of drinking coffee -by the bar counter! Order your coffee at the bar and stay on the leather high stool, chatting with the bartender or even read a free local newspaper, and it only costs EUR1-1.50 for a single shot!

Bar counter

The same coffee costs EUR 3-5 at the table,  or if you prefer to sit outside in the sun over spring and summer days.

To order a coffee in French:

Coffee with milk: “un café crème, s’il vous plaît” or ” un café au lait, sil vous plaît”

Cappuccino: “cappuccino”

Single shot espresso: “un café” or “un express”

Double shot espresso: “double café”